Manufacture of machines for hyperthermia therapies and extracorporeal circulation system extracorporeal circulation
Exploiting flexible solutions and a complete design process that includes the creation of electromechanical units and equipment, MIBA operates in multiple sectors, where it has acquired in-depth experience and skills: from automotive to airports.
The electro-medical field is an area in which MIBA demonstrates the value of its unique expertise, which reflects a professionalism honed over forty years of dedication to work.
Electro-medical devices are resources used at a medical level whose functionality requires the contribution of an energy source. They are divided, by European regulations, into four classes and it is still the EU that draws up the reference directives so that their sale can take place.
Machines for hyperthermia therapies and systems for extracorporeal circulation are instruments whose diversity demonstrates how complex the challenges posed by the electro-medical sector are.
Production of medical devices in the ophthalmic sector: instruments from ophthalmology to optometry Production of medical devices in the ophthalmic sector: instruments from ophthalmology to optometry
By analysing the characteristics of the electro-medical devices market, various contexts of application stand out. Ophthalmic devices embrace a wide range of products, including instruments used for diagnostic purposes, devices for surgical purposes, lasers, etc.
The advantages of choosing MIBA to produce thermoforming machines for insoles and other electro-medical instruments The advantages of choosing MIBA to produce thermoforming machines for insoles and other electro-medical instruments
We are a flexible partner ready to implement the project desired by the customer, we take care of understanding and satisfying their specific needs, becoming in all respects their production chain.
We start from the planning and creation, in a short time, of prototypes and pre-series.
We move on to production, with the contribution of the Lean Thinking production flow, finally arriving at the logistics phase, consisting of packaging and goods management, picking, product customisation and integration with the customer's information systems.
Using an internal quality management system certified ISO 9001 since 1999 and BS OHSAS 18001 since December 2013, MIBA is committed to the constant improvement of production processes and aims to increase customer satisfaction.
All the customer needs to do is to show us their project and we will proceed with the processing based on the requests.
MIBA turns your ideas into reality.
We carry out customised work according to your specifications and support you every step of the way.