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Miba to attend FARETE 2024

26.08.2024 - Miba will attend FARETE 2024 to take advantage of networking opportunities and deepen with institutional and professional partners the development of useful strategies and actions in various areas of the organisation. Furthermore, Miba will take part in training events organised during the event and, on the first day, in the Confindustria assembly, which is always useful to update on the economic situation and Miba's areas of interest.

‘Why implement AI in quality control’ - Miba towards the future

10.7.2024 - We are pleased to share Miba's participation in the event ‘𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐞́ 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐥'𝐀𝐈 𝐧𝐞𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐚̀’, held at TEC Eurolab on 10 July. The event, attended by over 90 industry professionals including researchers and academics, offered a detailed overview of case studies and application solutions in the field of Artificial Intelligence for quality control in manufacturing companies. Miba had the opportunity to observe how AI can be used to improve quality control, increasing not only the accuracy, but also the spread of quality monitoring to the various production mixes that Miba offers to the market. This valuable information will guide us in our continued commitment to innovation and quality in manufacturing, in the market for the production of parts and electromechanical assemblies for our customers. We thank the organisers and all participants for making this event interesting and educational.

Miba attends ‘AHK Italien’ event

12.06.2024 - Today Miba participated in the meeting with German companies organised by the Italian-German Chamber of Commerce (AHKItalien) in Milan. A meeting that united two important economic realities on the global scene, creating a bridge of synergies and opportunities destined to enhance both economies. Thanks to AHK Italien for the impeccable organisation of the event, the spaces made available, the constructive atmosphere, and the attention to organisational details that fostered fruitful and stimulating networking. In an ever-changing international landscape, events like this represent an important initiative. AHK Italien's vision in seizing the opportunity for dialogue and collaboration between Italian and German companies is a useful concrete action to foster relations between the two economies and the companies involved Thanks to AHK Italien for making this meeting rich in ideas and new opportunities possible!!!

Delivery of commemorative plaques to Confindustria Emilia Area Centro members

10.05.2024 - Today, as we look back, we remember all those first 45 years of dedication, innovation and growth. From our beginnings as a precision metalworking company, Miba has immediately distinguished itself for its reliability, flexibility, productivity and competence, in a continuous evolution that has also led us to become a supplier of electromechanical equipment tested and ready for marketing. Over the years, we have navigated through changing market developments, adapting and innovating to meet our customers' needs. Our ability to anticipate and respond to market trends has allowed us to evolve in the subcontracting sector by increasingly increasing our expertise and services. Today, Miba is recognised for quality and reliability and our growth and success is the result of the passion, commitment and dedication of each member of our team. As we celebrate our 45th anniversary, we would like to thank all our employees, customers and partners for their unwavering support and trust. We now continue on this path and look to the future with enthusiasm and confidence for what the coming years will hold. Thank you all for being part of our journey, let's continue to build the future together!

Mecspe2024: a success

" ‘8.3.2024 - The 22nd edition of MECSPE, the trade fair for the manufacturing industry, came to a close last Friday, 8 March, in Bologna. The event was an opportunity to: Gather new contacts and collaboration opportunities Meet active and past customers Forge new ties with supply partners Dialogue with organisations and associations that support the manufacturing network Miba was present as a sub-supplier of precision metalwork and assembly of complete electromechanical apparatus, and attracted the attention of an attentive and qualified audience. Miba would like to thank everyone who visited the stand during the fair. It was a real pleasure to meet new people and consolidate relationships with our customers and partners. A big thank you to everyone!!!’"

  • Raccogliere nuovi contatti e opportunità di collaborazione
  • Incontrare clienti attivi e del passato
  • Stringere nuovi legami con partner di fornitura
  • Dialogare con enti e ass

Miba present at the Warrant Hub event ‘The new paradigm 5.0’ .

22.11.2023 - The location chosen by Warrant Hub for the event ‘The new 5.0 paradigm’ held on Wednesday 22 November was the San Patrignano Auditorium. Among the various topics addressed and all centred on the theme ‘The new Enterprise 5.0’, the human-centric approach for a ‘smart’ factory integrated in a supply chain built around humans; the HMI (Human Machine Interface) theme; HCD (Human-center Design); UX ( User Experience ) stand out for their importance and interest. Subjects already known to insiders in the field of product/service development frontiers that enter into the organisational logic to complement them, but which above all go to support the ‘key’ resource in the supply of products and services, i.e. the human resource. A big thank you to the organisers for the interesting and topical issues addressed, for the choice of location, and for not forgetting to draw our attention to the social repercussions of the various actions undertaken in each area. The latter aspect will have an increasing impact on corporate and individual organisational choices. Miba therefore keeps pace not only with technological progress, but with all those many aspects intrinsically linked to human resources in a responsible and sustainable manner.

Miba al BlenchExpo 2023

10.11.2023 - Miba è stata in visita al “BlenchExpo 2023” la più importante fiera a livello internazionale sulle lavorazioni delle lamiere e sulle tecnologie per la carpenteria metallica, che si è svolta a Stoccarda in Germania. L'evento ha riunito espositori da tutto il mondo e ha rappresentato un’importante occasione per Miba per poter monitorare i trend produttivi e le innovazioni te

Ecomondo 2023 per la sostenibilità ambientale

7.11.2023 - La sostenibilità ambientale è fondamentale per la salute del nostro pianeta e per garantire un'eredità “positiva” alle generazioni future. Le nostre azioni quotidiane hanno un ruolo cruciale in questo processo, specialmente se pensiamo alla moltitudine di prodotti e risorse utilizzati quotidianamente da tutti noi che producono inevitabilmente un impatto sul pianeta. "𝗘𝗰

Miba partecipa a “CIBUS TEC” a Parma

26.10.2023 - Nella giornata del  26 Ottobre MIBA era presente all'evento cogliendo opportunità di collaborazione nella produzione di componenti ed apparati per le diverse apparecchiature presenti all’evento.

Scopri i segreti della saldatura professionale

La saldatura è un processo di giunzione che richiede precisione, esperienza e una profonda conoscenza dei materiali. Ma cosa rende una saldatura davvero eccellente? La progettazione del giunto, il suo dimensionamento e il controllo accurato dei parametri di saldatura sono fondamentali, ma c'è un altro elemento spesso sottovalutato che può fare la differenza: la p

La carpenteria metallica trasforma le idee in strutture

Stampa 3D vs. Carpenteria Metallica: Un Confronto per la Produzione di Componenti   La produzione di componenti per apparati è un settore in costante evoluzione, dove le tecnologie si affiancano e si sfidano per offrire soluzioni sempre più innovative ed efficienti. Tra le tecnologie più promettenti, la stampa 3D ed la carpenteria metallica in c

Assemblaggio di apparecchiature per dare valore a ogni aspetto

La produzione su larga scala, l'integrazione verticale dei processi produttivi sta diventando un fattore determinante per garantire la massima qualità e flessibilità. Soprattutto nel settore degli apparati elettromeccanici complessi, dove ogni componente deve interagire perfettamente con le altre, una gestione integrata può fare la differenza. Dalla

Oltre il piacere del colore: Verniciatura industriale che protegge e sorprende

La verniciatura industriale è spesso considerata un semplice processo estetico, volto a conferire un aspetto gradevole ai prodotti. In realtà, si tratta di un'operazione complessa che va ben oltre la mera applicazione di un colore. La verniciatura industriale, infatti, svolge un ruolo fondamentale nella protezione dei materiali, nell'aumento della durata nel tempo e nel miglioramento delle prest

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