Miba present at the Warrant Hub event ‘The new paradigm 5.0’ .

    August 28, 2024

11/22/2023 - The location chosen by Warrant Hub for the "The New 5.0 Paradigm" event held on Wednesday, Nov. 22, was the San Patrignano Auditorium. Among the various topics addressed and all centered on the theme "The New Enterprise 5.0", the human centric approach for a "smart" factory integrated into a supply chain built around humans; the HMI (Human Machine Interface) theme stood out in importance and interest; HCD (Human-center Design); UX ( User Experience ). Subjects already known to insiders within the product/service development frontiers that enter the organizational logics to complement them, but above all go to support the "key" resource in product and service delivery, namely the human resource. A due thanks to the organizers for the interesting as well as topical issues addressed, for the choice of the location and for not forgetting to draw our attention to the social fallout of the various actions taken in each sphere. The latter aspect that will be increasingly impactful on corporate and individual organizational choices. Miba therefore in step not only with technological progress but with all those multiple aspects intrinsically linked to human resources in a responsible manner and with a view to sustainability.


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