Research and development

Thanks to its expertise, acquired over years of experience in various sectors, and to its efficient organisation, MIBA offers complete support to customers in the development and industrialisation of products. We are able to produce parts and components for complex units and equipment, all in compliance with the highest quality standards. Our service also integrates design support, allowing to optimise every phase of the production process and to respond precisely to the specific needs of our customers. Our experience allows us to provide complete and customised solutions, ensuring excellent results and exceptional performance of the final products.

Lean thinking

Lean thinking By adopting the methodology of ‘LEAN PRODUCTION’ together with many years of experience, MIBA has reduced waste and maximised production efficiency. In fact, the production process is treated in a global manner in order to reduce the complexity of production as much as possible, focusing on its flexibility and involving all company functions from the very beginning, identifying certain areas Design: the product is studied considering the problems inherent to its production (DFX), avoiding its redesigning, i.e. waste due to not having ‘got it right the first time’; Production; Enhancement or ‘total quality’ TQM

  • Progettazione: il prodotto viene studiato considerando i problemi inerenti alla sua produzione (DFX), evitando la sua riprogettazione, cioè gli sprechi dovuti al non essere riusciti a “fare bene fin dalla prima volta”;
  • Produzione;
  • Valorizzazione o “qualità totale” TQM





Free pass

Free pass MIBA, thanks to its organisation and internal control procedures, is able to provide production of components and complex assembled apparatuses in ‘FREE PASS’ mode. This means designing production processes, planning the necessary internal controls, and guaranteeing product repeatability to ensure total quality.

For our customers, this also represents a great saving on procedures and incoming goods checks. The FREE PASS is also always obtained under the supervision of our customers, who have the possibility at any time to verify, by means of internal audits, all processes and their traceability.

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To guarantee a complete service to its customers, MIBA manages all logistics and transport activities in-house, including

  • Packaging, storage and integrated goods management
  • Picking and preparation of goods
  • Integration with the client's information systems

On request, MIBA organises and manages the shipment and transport of products to the destination indicated by the customer, using both its own vehicles and contracted couriers, both nationally and internationally.


MIBA manufactures electromechanical and hydraulic assemblies and complete complex equipment in ‘full supply’, or in ‘subcontracting’ with material completely supplied by the customer or in part of our own production and purchase, managing the supply, control, planning, assembly, testing, validating the product and packing it for direct shipment to the customer's distribution network or to the destination where the equipment is to be installed.






MIBA was founded in the 1970s, immediately offering precision metalwork and assembly of assemblies.



Less than a year after its foundation, MIBA seizes opportunities to expand into other sectors useful for its growth.



After a start-up in an initial operational space, MIBA moves to a larger facility that will later be expanded to follow the company's growth .



A modern LASER + COMBINED sheet metal cutting equipment is acquired as an epoch-making step towards new production technologies.



In August 2002 MIBA receives its first ISO 9001 certification, followed by periodic renewals and the addition of other certifications.



2024 On the occasion of the annual meeting of Confindustria Emilia, MIBA receives recognition of the milestone of 45 years in business.

Collaborations and partnerships

MIBA, a company that has always been attentive to the dynamics of the subcontracting market and to the continuous technological evolutions, constantly explores new opportunities for collaboration with partners who can offer highly specialised and innovative processes and services. These partners are carefully selected and integrated within a wide range of services structured by MIBA, with the specific aim of providing its customers with diversified and complete solutions. Thanks to this flexible strategy and to the ability to monitor and optimise costs, without ever compromising on quality, MIBA is able to offer a highly competitive supply chain, capable of effectively responding to the most complex needs, while ensuring excellence and reliability in every project.


Produzione delle apparecchiature complete con tecnologia applicata alla salvaguardia dell’ambiente e delle persone


Produzione delle apparecchiature complete con tecnologia applicata alla salvaguardia dell’ambiente e delle persone   Continua la strada verso la produzione delle apparecchiature complete con tecnologia applicata alla salvaguardia dell’ambiente e soprattutto delle persone. Infatti con l’inizio della collaborazione nata nel 2015 di MIBA Srl con i

MIBA il partner della tua azienda per la produzione di attrezzature automotive


MIBA: il partner della tua azienda per la produzione di attrezzature automotive   Quello dall'automotive è uno dei principali ambiti operativi in cui MIBA ha maturato esperienze e approfondito quelle competenze che le consentono oggi di rappresentare un punto di riferimento nella produzione di apparecchiature elettromeccaniche. Chi lavora nel campo dall'automotive ha

MIBA per la produzione di carter di protezione per macchinari e macchine utensili


MIBA per la produzione di carter di protezione per macchinari e macchine utensili   MIBA mette a disposizione un know-how costruito in 40 anni di attività nel campo delle carpenterie metalliche di alta precisione ai suoi clienti interessati alla realizzazione di macchine utensili personalizzate, incentrate sulle loro esigenze professionali e ottimizzate per la produtti

Realizzare di apparecchiature per aeroporti garantendo performance e sicurezza


Realizzare di apparecchiature per aeroporti garantendo performance e sicurezza   Durante gli ultimi anni fattori quali la sostenibilità, l’ottimizzazione di costi e consumi energetici hanno acquisito maggiore rilievo nel settore aeroportuale, seppur restano determinanti la qualità dell’offerta, la sicurezza, la gestione della domanda. All’interno di questo scena

The vending machines business is growing


The vending machines business is growing  Vending machines are a business that is significantly expanding, and not only in Italy. Suffice it to say that 11% of the coffee produced on a global scale is supplied by vending machines. The interest of consumers, and therefore by extension of the operators in the sector, is captured mainly by intelligent vending machines, which according to analysts will be the driving force for development in the coming years. In our country, according to recent analysis by Confida (Italian Automated Distribution Association), there are over 820 thousand vending machines, a European record. Yet this market shows that it still has room for growth. Vending machines are placed mostly in private companies. In 2018, the Italian market generated a turnover of just under 4 billion euro, corresponding to more than 12 billion of drink purchases. This represents an increase of 4.7% compared to the 2017 scenario. Consumption also supports the production of the automatic vending machines, a good part of which is destined for export.

I processi di produzione di bilance per industria alimentare e il valore della pesatura


I processi di produzione di bilance per industria alimentare e il valore della pesatura   La pesatura alimentare pretende attrezzature altamente specializzate, che fanno ricorso a specifiche tecnologie e processi di progettazione. Il settore ha subito una notevole evoluzione nell’arco degli ultimi decenni e i sistemi di pesatura sono diventati una risorsa essenziale

La progettazione di bigliettatrici metro e bigliettatrici treni


La progettazione di bigliettatrici metro e bigliettatrici treni   Le bigliettatrici sono strumenti che scandiscono, in vari contesti, la quotidianità. Gli esempi sono molteplici, le bigliettatrici metro e bigliettatrici treni costituiscono i più rappresentativi. Dietro alla loro apparente semplicità si celano articolati progetti che, nel caso di soluzioni performant

Produttività nel settore elettronico


Produttività nel settore elettronico   Lavorare in ambito elettronico prevede particolari e controllati contesti professionali, procedure che portano alla progettazione e realizzazione di dispositivi nel rispetto delle finalità produttive. Nel corso di oltre quattro decenni di attività, MIBA ha avuto modo di approfondire il settore e dispone del know-how che serve pe

La complessità delle antenne satellitari terrestri


La complessità delle antenne satellitari terrestri   Le parabole possono essere composte da diverse tipologie di materiale (dall’alluminio a risorse plastiche) e corrispondono a varie categorie di prodotti. Il loro orientamento considera come punto di riferimento il sud, verso il satellite da cui viene emesso il segnale. Dal punto di vista tecnico la parabola ha il c

Manufacture of hyperthermic treatment machines and extracorporeal circulation system


Manufacture of machines for hyperthermia therapies and extracorporeal circulation system circolazione extracorporea   Sfruttando soluzioni flessibili e una progettazione completa che prevede la realizzazione di gruppi e apparecchiature elettromeccaniche, MIBA è operativa in molteplici settori, dove ha acquisito profonde esperienza e competenze: dall’automotive a quello aero

The production market for automatic packaging machines


The production market for automatic packaging machines   Il packaging è un tassello basilare nel mosaico del marketing, conferisce un’identità al prodotto e rende riconoscibile il brand aziendale. Non solo. Veicola informazioni preziose per il consumatore e decide praticità di trasporto e utilizzo del prodotto. È da queste premesse che prende forma l


Thanks to the entry of MIBA productions in our production cycle, MIBA's experience and technologies have impressed our workers with the quality of the finish and of the workmanship. The change of pace with the new MIBA supplies was immediately clear, anticipating reductions in assembly problems and the duration of the final product

Buyer - Special machines

When comparing the samples, we immediately perceived the presence of the MIBA products, the level of aesthetic finish supported achieving the design developed, intended to project the image of a reliable, easy to use and long-lasting product. More and more customers purchase products for their appearance, not being able to assess their duration and reliability.

Project Leader - Products for services to the public

A fast and flexible service is what we are looking for, given we do not have production assets as we focus on developing the product and the related services. We are able to amass production batches but variations are often needed to update the product with the latest innovations we have developed, in this area MIBA supports us in the management and optimisation of changes.

Technical Director - Laboratory equipment manufacturers


MIBA turns your ideas into reality.

We carry out customised work according to your specifications and support you every step of the way.